Live E71 Battery Test Today: Heavy Usage! Follow The Updates On Twitter

Happy Friday everyone! I'm going to be using the power of Twitter today to keep my nearly 1,000 followers updated with a real-time battery test, putting my Nokia E71 under heavy data usage. I want to see how long the battery can last with a constant connection to my favorite social networks, email, and everyday contacts. As you can see in the picture to the left the Nokia E71 battery is a monster next to other mobile device batteries like the Nokia N82. Ever since I started using the E71 I've really not been able to trust other devices just because of the unreliable battery life.

Here is what will be running ALL DAY:

- Nokia Messaging for email. I send/recieve 30+ emails a day. Get it at

- Slick Instant Messenger. Staying connected with my Gtalk, Yahoo, and AIM chat buddies.

- Gravity. Best Twitter application for the E71. I will be checking/following tweeting with 3 different accounts. Busy day! Read about it.

Besides that I will use my E71 like normal. Probably send/recieve around 20-30 text messages. About 20-30 minutes worth of calls. Maybe 20 minutes of internet usage. Not sure if I'll be able to listen to music yet. All of these test will be done over the AT&T 3g network with my unlocked E71-2.

I'll be updating my battery level throughout the day LIVE along with my application/phone usage on Twitter and in the comments below.

Follow me on twitter @e71fanatics or just keep checking the comments. If you have any suggestions or proposals for testing apps and battery life let me know.

If you haven't already, check out my E71 battery tips I wrote up awhile back ago.

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